4.3 Static White Linea RibbonLyte

Static White Linea RibbonLyte features a “chip on board” design and a special raised coating that allows for diode-free light even without a diffuser lens.

December 15, 2021

3.0 Static White Linea RibbonLyte

Static White Linea RibbonLyte features a “chip on board” design and a special raised coating that allows for diode-free light even without a diffuser lens.

December 15, 2021

2.4 Static White Linea RibbonLyte

Static White Linea RibbonLyte features a “chip on board” design and a special raised coating that allows for diode-free light even without a diffuser lens.

December 15, 2021

100W 24V Power Supply

100W 24V constant voltage driver

October 6, 2021

0-10V Dimmable 96W Driver

0-10V Dimmable 96W Waterproof Driver

August 12, 2021

Rapid Ribbon RGBW

Rapid Ribbon RGBW by Acolyte is the no-frills version of our premium product, ready for quick shipping when you need raw materials fast.

August 12, 2021

5.0 Rapid Ribbon 95+

Rapid Ribbon 95+ by Acolyte is the no-frills version of our premium product, ready for quick shipping when you need raw materials fast.

August 12, 2021

3.0 Rapid Ribbon 95+

Rapid Ribbon 95+ by Acolyte is the no-frills version of our premium product, ready for quick shipping when you need raw materials fast.

August 12, 2021

1.5 Rapid Ribbon 95+

Rapid Ribbon 95+ by Acolyte is the no-frills version of our premium product, ready for quick shipping when you need raw materials fast.

August 12, 2021

Neon Apex

Top bending LED neon.

May 25, 2021

30W 24V Power Supply

30W power supply.

April 5, 2021

300W 24V Power Supply

300W constant voltage Class 2 power supply.

April 5, 2021