Position your sign for success



A beautiful sign means nothing if it isn’t being seen. There are three keys to positioning a sign that can play a huge role in the success of your business: Location, Size and Illumination. 


First of all: location, location, location. Angles matter. When you position your sign, factor in your potential customer’s optimal viewing point. Will they be on foot? Or in a moving car? Billboards or signs that are parallel to the roadway will be difficult to read in heavy traffic or on a fast-moving highway. Highway signs that are perpendicular to the roadway may only briefly offer an optimal viewing angle as well. 

And while it almost goes without saying, when you choose a location, make sure nothing obscures the view of your sign from your target viewing area. Watch out for other signs and buildings – it may pay to double check for any pending construction permits! Consider that parking lots (especially those that allow large trucks) and vegetation (trees can look much different depending on the time of year) may also cause issues. 


Of course, size matters too – and not always in a bigger-is-better kind of way. A massive sign atop a tiny storefront can really look like it’s trying to overcompensate for something. Keep your sign scaled to the size of your business while making sure it’s easy to read. 

A good rule of thumb for readability is that for every 10 feet in distance, you want to add another inch to the size of your lettering. A sign with 10-inch letters can be read at a distance of about 100 feet. A sign with 36-inch letters is legible across the length of a football field (including the end zones). 

Be sure to manage your message. You can’t fit every detail about your business on your sign – if it’s too big or contains too much information it will be difficult to read quickly, and that can be key if your target customer is going to see your sign while he or she is driving by. Signage for pedestrians can offer more detail – they have a longer window in which to read. 


Finally, and perhaps most importantly, make sure your sign is properly illuminated. Lighting your signs from just before dusk until just after dawn (and during the day in the rain and snow) guarantees your message consistently reaches potential customers. Crisp, clear LED lighting will always help your sign be seen. 

In fact, premium LED modules offer several advantages for signage lighting. They let you choose your sign’s specific color temperature for brightness and contrast. You can trust that hot or cold, wet or dry, premium 12V LEDs or 24V LEDs will perform no matter the weather. They last for thousands of hours longer than conventional lighting and operate with greater efficiency, so you find cost savings in energy and maintenance bills. And a well-designed sign will focus your premium LEDS to meet the requirements of conservation efforts such as dark skies initiatives. 


So, when it’s time to build a new sign, always keep these three key factors in mind. Carefully scout your location, manage the size of your project, and use reliable premium LEDs for high performance and big cost savings. 




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