
Location: Mid-Atlantic U.S. and Florida

Applications: Channel letters, Halo lit

Products: ULTRA 650, ULTRA 650 COLOR

Wawa is a regional American chain of convenience stores and gas stations with more than 900 locations along the East Coast from New Jersey and Pennsylvania south to Washington, D.C., and in Florida. The massive chain employs more than 20,000 people. It was founded in the 1960s with its roots in the Wawa Dairy Farm, which gained a large following in the Philadelphia area by hiring doctors to certify its milk was safe to consume in the pre-pasteurization days of the late 1800s. Now the trademark red Wawa channel letters and gleaming white goose logos – illuminated with ULTRA 650 COLOR and ULTRA 650 static white modules from AgiLight – beckon those looking to buy coffee, snacks, hoagies and, yes, milk 24 hours a day.