2.2 RGB

RGB RibbonLyte uses 3-in-1 RGB LEDs to create a full spectrum of up to 16 million colors. Our DMX control systems can program single rooms or entire buildings. Calendar modes, color fades, and many more controls make any environment more vibrant.


Control 3-in-1 RGB LEDs with DMX
37 lm/W
9 dimmable LEDs per foot
Max. run length: 19 ft. 7.9 in. (6m)
Available for interior and exterior
Closet rated (standalone or surface channels)

Voltage: 24V

Wattage: 2.2

IP RatingQuickShipWidthHeightCut LengthCCT/Color
IP20 .39 in. (10 mm) .09 in. (2.3 mm) 6.55 in. (166.4 mm) RGB
IP65 .39 in. (10 mm) .11 in. (2.75 mm) 6.55 in. (166.4 mm) RGB
IP68 .52 in. (13.21 mm) .22 in. (5.7 mm) 6.55 in. (166.4 mm) RGB

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