PxLNet Controller

The PxLNet Controller provides a user-friendly programming experience with full functionality on any device (phone, tablet or computer). Exercise precision control of individual pixels over long distances in up to 96 universes for complex lighting products. With a simple menu and wireless configuration, the rack-mounted 100-250V PxLNet Controller can be programmed with 8 bit or 16 bit dimming. Quickly create seamless loops, color scrolls and fade effects. Compatible with DMX, SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface), 0-10V, ArtNet and WiFi. 


16 output ports
Control up to 49,152 channels (16,320 RGB pixels)
Daisy chain controllers for larger projects
Supports 60+ SPI protocols
Long-distance controls (up to 820 ft./250 m)
Fits easily in 19 in. rack mount
Built-in trigger interface for automated applications
Adjust brightness, saturation, speed and hue
Lifetime software license allows protocol updates
IP20 for indoor use 

Function: Pixel controller

For use with: Programmable Pixel products

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